ONE SNAIL ON A BEAUTY TRAIL (2022, 4min, co directed with Klára Trsková)
The outside world is falling apart and we are tight to our 32 square meters, scrolling Wikipedia in a desperate search for funny facts, experimenting with DIY facials in the kitchen, and hyper-focusing on any living creature that shares the limited space with us. What if I took my pet animal out of its aquarium and can my salty teardrops hurt it? The short film One snail on a beauty trail plays with the primordial human aversion to sticky wet and slippery creatures and is an allusion to the contemporary beauty video genre.
Mas Eternamente Não (2022, 4min, co directed with Klára Trsková)
Kombinaci super 8mm záběrů z afrického ostrova São Tomé, bývalé portugalské kolonie s otrokářským systémem, a současných záběrů chátrajících lisabonských skleníků, mezi nimiž se v rozbujelé vegetaci ukrývají busty z dílny Manuela de Oliveiry, doplňují verše svatotomášských básnířek Aldy Espírito Santo a Conceição Limy, které recituje hudebník Gerson Marta. Zvuk k filmu vytvořila Alexandra Cihanská Machová.

A peaceful landscape, four seasons and two sheep. Dried slices of bread and a shepherdess from an alternate place, where sheep have changes their roles. Their owners no longer keep them for meat and wool, but only for the peace that emanates from them. The boundaries between man and animal have disappeared. The most advanced living entities with the ability to think and speak have voluntarily given up their humanity and decided to follow the animals instead. Peaceful stillness is the new universally recognized ambition for human kind.
What happens when a child’s imagination, pinned down by a seatbelt, crosses paths with the concept of a botanical garden, can be an unstoppable influx of thoughts - a flurry of imaginative thoughts with monstrous proportions, full of overflowing numbers, names of flowers and ending with a game of “would you rather?”. This particular game became the inspiration for graphical prints that reference the botanical garden. Botanical take this man-made game of “would you rather?” and hands it back to nature. The plants return to their natural disorder, growth, branching and untamed freedom.

The Edible Water Bottles video speaks the current advertising language, indicating its complete emptiness.
Advertising sales often focus on two moments: the emotions of desire caused by the depiction of the female body as an object and the confidence in the scientific quality of the product. It seeks to outline future developments in the sale of luxury items. It uses just the two mentioned moments, which are the objectification of the perfect girl's body and the emphasis on the scientific procedures used in the production of the product. In
one of the possible future, however, luxury goods will not only include material objects, but especially water. The feeling of its shortage in the near future and the ongoing commodification of water resources causes fear and anxiety in the first phase. These emotions continue to unfold to vanity and despair, resulting in endless sadness underlined by the melancholic musical track used.
It is an allusion to the advertising trailer of splurge from the constant creation of new products.
MOSS BALL (2019)
In a world where living nature is losing its place, there is a need for its replacement. The allusion to the advertising trailer for the soft green moss ball breaks the distance between the sterile living space of man and the marine plant, which is popularised as an organic element for every home.